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Is a Joni Mitchell Comeback In The Works? Print-ready version

by Liz Smith
The Huffington Post
April 19, 2012

"I'VE LOOKED at love from both sides now, from give and take and still somehow/It's love's illusions I recall, I really don't know love at all."

Those are the famous lyrics from Joni Mitchell's 1969 classic, "Both Sides Now." (The meaning of the song, with its ice cream castles, flows of angel hair, moons, Junes and Ferris wheels, has been endlessly analyzed.)

Miss Mitchell, held up as the high priestess of folk/pop music by millions, has been out of sight in recent years. She has concentrated on her painting. Less pleasantly, she suffers from something called "Morgellons Syndrome" which she has described as "a slow, unpredictable killer."

However, we might have some good news for fans of this great artist. Joni's old friend David Geffen is reportedly "wooing" her to perform a series of shows at his Geffen Playhouse in Los Angeles. Those in the know and/or of a certain age, recall that Joni's celebrated "Free Man in Paris" song was written with Geffen in mind.

Another old pal of Joni's, Herbie Hancock, is also supposedly encouraging this venture, which could include some of the musicians who worked with Joni back in the day. If all that is planned and hoped for comes about, there will be a concert highlight sure to send Mitchell's fans into delirium--a track by track re-creation of the legendary Court and Spark album, which spawned such hits as "Help Me (I Think I'm Falling") and "Raised on Robbery."

Joni Mitchell's last album was 2007's Shine, but many devotees recall 2000's Both Sides Now with particular fondness. On that one she did jazzy covers of classics such as "Stormy Weather" and "You're My Thrill." She also included a new version of "Both Sides Now," which was not instantly welcomed. The purity of her young voice had roughened, some complained. Admirers not wallowing unrealistically in the past insisted her deeper tones made the lyrics--however you wish to interpret them--more powerful. And, having lived longer, she really has seen love from all sides now.

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Added to Library on April 20, 2012. (19253)


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amoores on

Is there any capability of being notified via this site of any concert in the future?

jbp1954 on

First, leondo...sadly Jacko passed on a good while ago so he wouldn't be there. Second, if this comes off I do hope that it is put on dvd as I wouldn't be able to go to LA as my health is not too good these days. Please a dvd and how I would love to see Court and Spark done in its' entireity (sic). I never wearied of that album!

jbp1954 on

First, leondo...sadly Jacko passed on a good while ago so he wouldn't be there. Second, if this comes off I do hope that it is put on dvd as I wouldn't be able to go to LA as my health is not too good these days. Please a dvd and how I would love to see Court and Spark done in its' entireity (sic). I never wearied of that album!

jonifan on

This would be a great idea if it was ANYTHING but a rehash of "Court and Spark." The song, "Help Me" was so played to death back when it was a hit that I can't stand to hear it even to this day. If it comes on the radio I switch stations, despite being a fervent Joni fan from the early days. IMHO she had much better album efforts thas C&S.   [ed.]

Animarising on

I would sell many things, skip rent, play my bass on the street corner, just to be able to witness this new set of shows.

Animarising on

I would sell many things, skip rent, play my bass on the street corner, just to be able to witness this new set of shows.
I truly hope that you decide to grace us!!

Animarising on

I would sell many things, skip rent, play my bass on the street corner, just to be able to witness this new set of shows.
I truly hope that you decide to grace us!!

leondo on

that would be great!! would Jocko and Pat be there? I HOPE I HOPE!!

suszie001 on

Would love to see this. Please keep us posted

Animarising on

I truly hope that you decide to do these shows. Your music absolutely changed my view of music in general. I am continually surprised by your music. It's like a great novel or film; it only gets deeper with time.

Animarising on

I truly hope that you decide to do these shows. Your music absolutely changed my view of music in general. I am continually surprised by your music. It's like a great novel or film; it only gets deeper with time.

abates826 on

Joni, there are musicians and storytellers and then there is you, in a class all alone. I am saddened to hear of your ordeal with Morgellon's and admire your strength and courage. I have had the good fortune of seeing you on several occasions, my highlight was front row, dead center with Tom Scott & the LA Express in CT. It seems wrong to ask more of you after all you have sacrificed for us, but I can hardly imagine the thought of going through life without ever hearing you play again. My ultimate dream would be Song for Sharon... but "Love came to my door...." sounds pretty amazing as well. Please consider performing at the Geffen Playhouse... so many of us would be forever grateful. Thanks for all the enrichment you have brought to my life.

freddsky on

Wouldn't wish a comeback on her if she doesn't really want it. She is not likely twiddling her thumbs wanting for things to do. I love her painting and might love her fiction writing, something she once threatened to do if she could "find her voice." Or maybe she is just happy being away from the circus for a while, maybe even a long while. That said, I'd lose my shoes and gain a patdown for her any day!

freddsky on

Wouldn't wish a comeback on her if she doesn't really want it. She is not likely twiddling her thumbs wanting for things to do. I love her painting and might love her fiction writing, something she once threatened to do if she could "find her voice." Or maybe she is just happy being away from the circus for a while, maybe even a long while. That said, I'd lose my shoes and gain a patdown for her any day!

sheffjonifanuk on

just like rock1353 i have been a huge fan since being brought up on your music .. i would give anything to see you in concert as i have never had the opportunity.. if the L.A events go ahead , my wif eand i would move heaven and earth to come over from the uk..your records move me in ways i cannot put into words... thanks for all the beautiful music, and i like many others i am sure,hope there is still more to come.. thankyou joni xxx

rock1353 on

I have been a fan since the 60's but never had the opportunity to see you live (every time you were close enough to see, I had obstacles in my life and now I do not)! Please please PLEASE consider this. You have so many dedicated fans. I'm in Texas but would drop everything to get the chance to see you perform. It would make my LIFE! You are my musical hero and your music helped me through some really tough times. I smile every time I hear a song by you or sympathize with the pain in some that you conveyed musically so well.

kootenayguy on

I waited most of my life to see Joni perform and got nose bleed section tickets to her 98 concert in Vancouver. I was thrilled, if however Mr. Geffen et company can convince Joni to some live performances in California, I am on the next plane.
I have listened to her music most of my life and while I appreciate her need for peace, solitude and healing time; i would welcome the opportunity to see her perform again.

sweet.bird on

this article was great! it gave me hope that i'll one day (some day soon, if in the works) get to see my most admired musical inspiration perform. i wish i would've been aware or listened to joni a lot sooner than 6 yrs ago, then i could've possibly caught a glimpse of her on stage.

i own every album of hers and love each one more and more with every listen... i do very much admire the orchestral arrangements of 'travelogue' and believe that if this is a reality and she in fact performs 'court and spark' in its entirety, she should most definitely approach it from that style of arrangement. it would be a magical time... i'd travel from toronto, canada to be a part.

i love you joni, thank you for everything!

Susanne on

Great article, but personally I have all the J.M. music and cd's I need. Unless of course Ms. Mitchell has some huge need to get out there again, I think its best to know we all love her, miss her and wish her long and happy days with family and friends. Enjoy your solitude my dear and thank you for all the years you gave us.

celtglen12 on

Thank Goddess I am on the Left Coast--finally, maybe I can make this if it happens. The only time I saw Mitchell in concert she walked off the stage...never was able to get to another performance nor her art openings.

celtglen12 on

Thank Goddess I am on the Left Coast--finally, maybe I can make this if it happens. The only time I saw Mitchell in concert she walked off the stage...never was able to get to another performance nor her art openings.

waterbearer on

Please keep us posted on this as soon as possible. It'll take me a while to arrange my flights from Scotland to be there :-)

waterbearer on

Please keep us posted on this as soon as possible. It'll take me a while to arrange my flights from Scotland to be there :-)

waterbearer on

Please keep us posted on this as soon as possible. It'll take me a while to arrange my flights from Scotland to be there :-)

ottomarcos on

Having seen Joni perform several songs from Court & Spark when she played with The L.A. Express in Austin, March of 1974, I think it would be great if this project were to come to fruition. However, recreating the sound and feel of a song like "Down To You" would require orchestral instruments, in my opinion. I wish those involved all the best!