Zsófia in Hungary writes:
Bought this English book second-hand in Holland...It was today that I came across the sentences mentioning Joni - and I was so happy, and wanted to let you know immediately.
Two pals, Felix and Katherine meet late in the night. Katherine goes to Felix's new London flat, having bought a bottle of wine, and feeling very worried about a friend of hers whom she just visited. Felix was wallpapering a room before she came, and beside wine, biscuits and Joni's music, they confide in each other, sharing their worries:
"They drank the wine sitting on floor-cushions in the half-decorated room, because it was, Felix explained, the nicest room in the house. He lit candles, put on a Joni Mitchell record, and found a packet of Rich Tea biscuits, which Katherine devoured ravenously."
Thank you Zsófia!
(Contributed by Zsófia Árvay)
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