A Chronology of Appearances

This work-in-progress lists all currently known appearances, drawn from a variety of sources.
Researched, Compiled, and Maintained by Simon Montgomery, © 2001-2024.
Special thanks to Joel Bernstein for his contributions and assistance.
Latest Update: June 15, 2024
Please send comments, corrections or additions to: simon@icu.com

1967.01.03 Joni's next appearance The Other Side Fayetteville, NC

Chuck and Joni Mitchell

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Hayward,Louie on

I actually have the recording of Joni on one of her nights she played at this place. The comment I just read on this page (Basci on 2014) is pretty accurate from what I know. It is a long story but a dear friend of mine managed to get his hands on a reel to reel and save the recording from being lost forever (I believe in 1994-95). 6 months of dedication and hard work pulling out all of the cups banging and dishes clanking in the background. When all said and done the reel was toast. The result was simply amazing. Almost had it released in 2010-2011 but it never came to be. Another dear friend of mine did what he could at Warner Bros. and I am very grateful for him trying (former CEO). Heard the reason it never came to fruition was Joni wasn't in a good place and not interested at the time. Who knows maybe I'll upload it for free one day. The world needs to hear it. As for now only a few people have a copy- James Taylor is one of them. I have a an original copy and my friend who has the master has all but disappeared about 5 years ago. Alcohol was his vice and I hope he was able to break free and living a good life somewhere. Besides saving Joni's live recording at the Other Side he also has early recordings of Jewel when she was homeless. She was singing her heart out and he captured her at her best in my opinion. He did it all for free. An incredibly nice guy and talented recording engineer. His name is Arno. I hope one day he is discovered. He has done wonderful things and the people would be amazed by his stories.

Bacsi on

I saw Joni in Fayetteville while training as a Special Forces medic. I don't believe Chuck was there. I think she mentioned some car trouble or an accident or bad weather travel delay. There were no more than half a dozen of us in the audience as I recall, and two were young inebriated soldiers from the 82nd Airborne who had come in just to harass the "hippies". Mike Thurman, a fellow SF medic trainee who had a reputation for being the most soft spoken member of our class was so upset at their drunken remarks that he let them know it was time to leave or shut up. I found out later that Joe Hanley, a fellow Maine man, who was then on his way to Vietnam with the 101st and was seriously wounded, saw Joni that night, too. Joe and I co-founded Maine Veterans for Peace in 1969. It is possible this was her May appearance, but someone commented about attending that concert with their college friends and I am certain that the miniscule audience she had that night was entirely composed of a few soldiers from Ft. Bragg. January sounds right.